Thursday, August 16, 2007

Booties, Blankets and Caterpillars

Whoo Hooo - Thursday - my day off. So far I have iced two cakes and worked on baby blanket #4. Here are the first three... sorry about the lighting, this is what seemed to work.

I finished #3 last Sunday, also finishing an ear flap hat the same day. Must have been some virtuous knitting going on.
I was wondering why our parsley plant was kind of looking "eh".

I knelt to take a closer look - turns out something likes parsley faster than we have been using it. It was a lush and beautiful plant. Oh well, Kel keeps planting, forgetting that I have an ability to make plants die. I guess this time is isn't my fault.
ps - since I can't let anything just go, I had to see what these buggers were going to turn in to. Thanks to a couple different sites - they are "parsleyworms" eventually they will be black swallowtails. Pretty!

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