Tuesday, August 7, 2007

My Arch Enemy - The German Chocolate Cake

Now most people would have a living human being for their arch enemy - but my nemisis comes in Cake form. Not eating it silly reader, but assembling one. There is nothing that ends my day in more of a hissy than having to assemble a German Chocolate Cake. You see, cutting the blasted thing is not my favorite, and every time I have to make the icing - I have to do it twice. Lately, just to mess with me, combing out the sides provides difficultly. When this item is taken off the menu, I will gladly chuck the last one out the window and you won't be able to wipe the smile off my face.
Wednesday off! It will involve sleeping in, a Doctor's appointment, maybe a pedi and then Car Club meeting. It will not involve assembling a German Chocolate Cake :)

1 comment:

gray la gran said...

enjoy your day off! i know you have your reasons for not liking german chocolate cake. your reasons are technical. mine, i don't like coconut ! it's that weird thing that you can't ever really chew up and it sticks all over the inside of your mouth. ick.

on that note ... i hope you have this night off too!

see you soon :)


ps. part of my "word verification" was SSK ... hey, how did it know i'm a knitter ?!