Saturday, June 21, 2008

And holding steady at 1/2 an inch

Week 37 - 1cm dialated, no effacement, no antibiotics during labor (Group B test came back negative). I have been feeling okay - big - I look in the mirror every morning and wonder how big I can get - and every morning it seems to be a little bit bigger! I'm getting uncomfortable when sitting or driving and I have to lean forward. This week one of the docs and I went over the birth preferences list that I had written. Nothing too out of the norm, but it answered the questions that I was wondering about.
So, 0-5 weeks. At this point if I go into labor, not likely, I'll be allowed to continue. And if I don't, 5 weeks will probably lead to induction or something. Not too worried about that at this point.
I'm still working and today just wasn't a good work day - the day the weekly exams for the last two weeks have been tired kind of work days.
That must means its nap time.
Happy Saturday!

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