Saturday, June 28, 2008

Week 38

This week's go-round put us at a little bit more than a centimeter.
At this rate, we'll have a kid in about September or so. Maybe the house will be ready by then.
So much for the house though - I'm about ready.
I'm tired of my elders asking if I'm in labor whenever they talk to me.
I'm ready for getting out of bed without looking like a beached whale and peeing in a cup without peeing everywhere else too. Add the slightly less embarrassing truimph of placing socks and shoes on feet you can barely see/reach and I'll be good to go. If I could only wear flip flops to work.
Oh the joys that nobody tells you about.
Now if I could only get my husband to learn infant CPR and choking rescue.
And an answer to the question - can this belly get any bigger?!?!
Oh yeah - and what am I missing - I know I'm missing SOMETHING for the baby or for me.
Who knows - I'll realize it at 3 in the morning when either the kid is wailing or I am.

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