Thursday, September 13, 2007

And the slackassedness continues...

Almost a month since my last post - must have been busy. or lazy. or something.

Kind of busy -
Went to San Fran/Monterey and had a bunch of fun with Kel's cuz and my family.
Saw Bill and Heidi's new kiddo - Nikko. He is adorable, cute and heathy, and completely changing his parents world.
Went to racing club meeting even though I have missed a couple of events (joys of working on Saturdays).
Visited with Margaret today to say hi, her father passed away shortly before the California trip. It was so good to see her and talk. She is my walking buddy from long ago and I just miss the opportunities to vent.
I finished the fourth in a series of baby blankets. Shortly thereafter I finished a mitten. I might even have enough yarn to make another mitten. They match the earflap hat I made when I needed a quickie project that wasn't a baby blanket.

Kind of lazy -
Although I have had a couple of days off here and there, I keep meaning to blog. Oh! If my well-meaning-ed-ness would actually convert itself into blog entries.

Kind of something -
I joined a gym. You can't beat the rate and we'll see, maybe I'll actually get off my lazy butt and go.
I think the dessert plating guy is going to give notice at the end of September. Will it be back to Nights for the Aim-ster? (I hope not, but, someone has got to train the newcomer, and it might as well be done correctly).
Dance is on hiatus for me - Vacation, then working at night has caused me to miss the last three weeks or so. That sucks. Plummeting far behind is always a good thing.

Pictures later, really.

1 comment:

gray la gran said...

amy! how are you ?!

mittens ... yeah !!! work (boo-hiss !)

i hope you're well. i am envious of your gym membership. GO GO GO ! (go because i don't have such a membership)

see you soon,
