Saturday, July 12, 2008

Due Date, Plus One (40.1)

Yesterday, on the due date appointment (or as I refer to it: the fifth stinkin' appointment at 1cm), the discussion turned to what happens next. I didn't have to plead for the two weeks, instead was given the option of waiting for either 1 or 2 weeks for the induction process. Of course, like the birthplan, this is all up in the air. I chose 2.
Here's what can happen - at any time in the next two weeks (come on kiddo - ) the call goes in if contractions happen at a regular rate, more than the one a day I've been getting or my water breaks.
Nightly kick counts (7x movement per 2 hour period - hasn't taken longer than 10 minutes ever). Phone call to the office if kick count isn't there, then trip to hospital to get the kid out.
Monday (14th) and Thursday (17th) non-stress tests and ultrasounds to check baby wellness and amniotic fluid levels. Check to see if dialation has progressed. Instant trip next door if baby isn't thriving or fluid levels are low.
Thursday (17th) - appointment made for the 24th for ripening and then induction on 25th.
Monday (21st) and Thursday (24th) NST and US like the week before.
Joy Joy!

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