Friday, July 11, 2008

Go day! Kind of fruitless thus far.

Now if a due date actually meant something.

Today is the due date appointment (10:45a), where we discuss options and the next two weeks (please little one, decide to come out before then). If I were a gamblin' girl, I would say that the appointment for induction will be set either on the 24th or 25th (because I'm going to convince the doctor to wait as long as possible) and then will go into labor at a completely inconvenient time during week 41. So mama's prediction: labor 3am, hospital 10a on the 17th, delivery early on the 18th.

Over the last day and a half, the little joker has decided that he wants to travel in what I can only assume is the right direction, creating an interesting sleep and walking experience for what has been (up until now) a great pregnancy. He is starting to head down it putting a not-so-fun amount of pressure on my pelvis. It isn't too bad once I'm in a comfortable position, but turning over and getting up is just a battle. A battle that involves a lot of UMPH noises.
That and last night was some sort of tumble-thon olympics. If I knew better, I would say he probably flipped into breech just to spite me. Not even a week old and the kid is messing with me. I'm in for it the next 18 or so years.

We'll keep you posted, but right now, the kid is staying put - happy due date!

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