Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Pick your title....I hate Turnover or Turns out a 17yo can't do my job

Just when I thought I was going to be in the bakeshop, doing work during the day for most of the time, the High Schooler turns in her notice. Grrrr. This means I could be making some overtime doing some extra daytime work, and plating at night, but it also means that I lose the cush daytime hours and will probably lose most of my social life on the weekends again.
Back to what has been happening. The restaurant had a wine dinner last night and everyone pitched in for the hot line to get 80 plates out to where they needed to go. I helped lay out plates for the first round, and then place haricot verts for the second round. They sure as hell let you know when you are the weakest link, that is for sure.
I'm getting kind of excited - this weekend, I'm going to a baby shower for Heidi and Bill. They are an absolutely fun couple and the latest cool thing about them is that they are going through the adoption process and are also pregnant. For their shower they requested a children's library and boy did I go nuts. I picked favorites from different stages of my childhood - the poky little puppy (a golden book - they still make 'em), green eggs and ham, the very hungry caterpillar, where the wild things are, miss nelson is missing, and where the sidewalk ends.
Now onto wrapping them up! Fun!

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