Friday, June 29, 2007


You know when I wrote that last post, it said it was Wednesday. And I thought to myself - after the week I've been having, it is only Wednesday?!?! I could have sworn I was further along than that.
And although it is technically Friday - I'm still living Thursday. I have been getting fewer hours of sleep and I'm dragging. I have no days off this week. 6 nights. Friday and Saturday to go.
I will be happy when Sunday rolls around. The kid has been working the last couple of nights with me. He is less annoying than last week, but still chimes in every once in a while when he need not. I wouldn't trust him to set up the station, or close it down, and he conveniently has to leave when clean up starts every night. I guess this comes with the territory. I found out that it isn't Chef's decision to have him along at all. Turns out wunderkind is the son of the restaurant owner's OBGYN. *a definite WTF moment there*
This past Sunday, I continued to knit a baby blanket. It is on the downhill, but for some reason it isn't getting done fast enough (probably because I have two more after this one and all I see are skeins of yarn that isn't for me). Hopefully this Sunday I'll be able to knock some more out - I have been getting a row or two here and there during the day too, but in 15 minute increments versus the whole day.

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